This is the absolute truth. I’ve been on both sides now. Abusive men use this system to break you down further and it works for them because… money

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Mortifying that this continues, though also unsurprising. Jess, have you read a book called “Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime?” You may be interested to learn that most medicine (beyond psychiatry) also operates as organised crime with bogus and harmful products that address dubiously diagnosed “diseases” that are ever-multiplying in number, on paper at least. As Florence Nightingale said, “there are no specific diseases, only disease conditions” in opposition to the increasingly Cartesian reductionist paradigm that invented more and more names for diseases that were increasingly less distinguishable in reality.

Virus Mania is another excellent read that also charts how nonexistent diagnoses and nonexistent causal factors are used to confine and control people and siphon money from the poorest to the richest - not unlike what you recount here on psychiatric institutions all but kidnapping people to steal their money based on no evidence!

Thanks for all your work in exposing the fraud of psychiatry - the emperor doesn’t have clothes, and I can only imagine how difficult it must be for you in being a lone voice when many of your colleagues, peers, the establishment and lay public have successfully imbibed the propaganda over many decades and think the emperor is well-adorned. Keep up the great work

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