Vibrant piece by Jessica.Keep writing,please!💚

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I've studied spirituality for about a decade, and I've noticed many "mental disorders" are dysregulated people. Whether that's through their energy field, their organs and neurons acting differently, or what have you, but the mental field and spiritual field need to get their heads in gear if we're going to help humans understand each other and themselves.

Years ago, a previous friend of mine introduced me to ADHD, a condition she thought she had. To understand my friend better, I studied ADHD and the comorbid systems of it. I learned her systems and behaviors matched the other bulleted symptoms of other disorders. Long story short, I strongly believe she was using the diagnosis to explain behaviors and characteristics she still didn't understand. What didn't help was her personal doctor gave her a diagnosis after taking a 30 min - 1 hr quiz. From my understanding, a diagnosis takes years to officiate, so I knew something was up from the start.

I'm definitely not saying mental health doesn't exist, but I strongly think people are linking themselves to the first definition they see and rolling with it while forcing others to roll with the punches with them. I'm not that type of woman.

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As a psychology student in America, all of your statements regarding psychiatry is true. It is not safe to challenge the norm. I am surrounded by psychiatric theories and many are medicated with the harmful medications. I used to be medicated by the psychiatric drugs and even prior to taking them, something always seemed off.

The idea that mental illnesses are the same as physical illnesses is still a lie that is believed and spread.

Jessica, thank you for sharing truth and revealing where the chains and cracks are. I agree it must be changed if not completely dismantled.

I challenge the status quo here in America and am happy to do so.

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It can seem quite warping what we live in,but I cant be sure as to whether more strenuous boundaries should be placed within society,maybe Dr.Taylor has thought about it-if you understand a volume of information about Psychiatrists and their diagnoses,they can seem fine,but if you dont understand them at all it can be disorientating and you feel subject to them,and you dont know if the government should pay you for this position,because some of the paperwork suggests you should be placed within the workforce and normality as soon as possible,when that isnt necessarily how you are treated and not many people become well enough educated about their problem to feel they can easily become part of the workforce again,but thats the impression the documents give you,and you dont know if the description you become part of is correct or legal if the entire description isnt supplied.

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