It is not just famous and rich people who engage in buying, trading and sexually abusing often children and young people... there are rings for everyone's wallet size.

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You are absolutely right about all of the above from start to finish.

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Powerful and truthful words. They think they are untouchable . And for many many years they were !

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It's quite complicated,I'm currently involved in a situation which has been going on for a long time,but you can't go to court with the whole truth unless you have it,in my circumstances,anyway.Your mind can pick up different elements across your life,there are elements of being a victim,accused and perpetrator which have relative similarities,all can have problems providing the whole truth to a court of law.I developed something during my experiences,if there is some evidence that you are guilty of a crime,then if someone makes a false allegation you feel that you will be considered as guilty,this has happened to me twice now,I know two allegations have been made and that the police have been involved,and on both occasions I have not been seen or questioned by the police,I haven't thought it was because there wasn't enough evidence because I haven't committed a crime,I thought the police would take an attitude that I would lie about what had occurred and so that would mean there wasn't enough evidence to convict,the first time this happened the other party knew what would happen in court when faced with a full account and set up a vendetta which I believe was partly intended for me to commit suicide;the next occurrence involved a family who have a criminal orientation in which a false allegation led to a blackmail attempt,followed by an approach for sex,followed by theft and attempted murder,then a relative moved back with his ex and it seems there have been talks,they believe I have a disability but don't know what it is,so they checked to see how intimidated they could make me feel,I live near them,I have walked past them since,so they are not so sure anymore;but what I would like to point out to Dr.Taylor is that I have known about what I require for court,but the effects of insecurity and trauma have meant that I have known I couldn't provide all the evidence,I have written before about the way a trauma spectrum should be described,it can start with any removal from someones identity,and that's what I have been experiencing,and if you transcribe this information into other cases and situations you can tell what difficulties there are for victims and ensuring successful convictions.

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Thank you!!

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While I was researching sexism in intimate relationships at university, I read somewhere that women and girls are the number one commodity on the black market. It wasn’t an academic paper, if I recall correctly, but a news article or blog post. Does anyone know if this is true / have a primary source reference ? I don’t recall that they defined what “number 1 commodity” meant - ie was it by dollar value of sales or number of “goods” (urgh) or level of demand or something else.

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Money, power, control and dominance rule all these men. Yes, I said all these men and their depravities. A tale as old as time. Out of women’s wombs their foot on our necks. Commodities. Pornified.

Freak offs I believe per indictment and Dawn’s lawsuit.

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