As a psychiatric rehabilitation practitioner, we have been saying this for years! Stop pathologizing clients and encourage them to reimagine their life role goals that were shattered by mental Illness and addiction. Help them reclaim their roles and develop a purpose and personal meaning!

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3. WHO and UN recognise that women and girls, people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual and **transgender** are more likely to be labelled as mentally ill, and more likely to face forced sterilisations, coerced abortions, coerced contraception, and conversion therapies.

Transgender is a mental issue and the world needs to stop lumping them in with gay, lesbian and bisexual women who have a sexuality that isn't heterosexual, whereas many transgender people are straight. Kind of warped isn't it when 'women' who are trans are called 'men' so this would mean they're including men in this.... So much greatness while completely missing the point the ol' UN and WHO.

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It seems there are no answers of how to protect nurses and clients ? again; what is being provided to Nurses in this context? am in my 2yrs 7th month of PTSD from punch to head by first presentation man with psychosis (drug induced)in ED. What do you suggest to keep staff and clients safe? from those with high risk of violence?

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What prey is the plan for removal of seclusion? Increasedmedication will not happen Psyc's very aware of implications ror registration with prescribing...so that means no additional meds...HOW prey with no additional sedation...no seclusion...how will psychotic aggressive paranoid perceptually compromised to be treated??? Every time the unrealistic attempt is made the gendered profession of nursing looses nurses to concussions and ptsd.....HOW???

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