The hesitancy to name misogyny and violence against women and girls is misogyny in itself. The refusal to actually put a name to the violence we experience is just another extension of the prejudice and oppression we face. It’s violent in the same exact way our abuse is violent.

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Australian here. In the same week, a 16yo boy attacked an Assyrian bishop and colleague with a knife, and was charged with terrorism offences within hours of the crime. The boy is brown and Muslim. Both victims are recovering though it could’ve been lethal had churchgoers not disabled the boy. Extremist religious radicalisation is quickly defined as terrorism, but extremist misogynist radicalisation a-la-Cauchi is tossed around as ‘a random attack’ and ‘he must’ve been off his meds’. Cauchi was a white adult Australian. Targeting someone for being a woman is apparently less serious than targeting someone for having a certain religious view/belief. Reframed, patriarchy is the ideology and misogyny/femicide is the political expression of patriarchy. In 2024 thus far, 29 women have been murdered by men, ZERO have been murdered by those deemed ‘terrorists’. But hey Prime Minister Albanese, call an urgent meeting of religious leaders, all men, to discuss solutions to this apparently urgent terrorist threat, but don’t even consider the 9 women murdered by men known to them in the last 18 fucking days and that figure doesn’t include the 5 women murdered by Cauchi, as having any urgency whatsoever. Par for the course. It’s all so fucked up, especially given religion is utilised to MAINTAIN patriarchy in its entirety.

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Yeah I’m starting to think that - forget COVID and pandemics - *men* are the greatest public health threat.

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Misogyny - aka male hatred/male contempt for women and girls because our sex is female is centuries old and remains invisible because of men's male supremacist system. Radical feminists long ago critiqued and analysed how and why men as a group and individually believe their sex is the only default human one so therefore males cannot inflict pain or violence on us so-called 'non humans/non men!'

Racism and homophobia affect men too so it is assumed to be real whereas misogyny, which means male hatred/male contempt for women affects only women - hence it is not real or important to the women hating males!

Yes many women have internalised and accepted that male hatred/male contempt for women is okay but these women mistakenly believe parotting male hatred will somehow make them safe from male violence but reality is it does not! Note too women did not create male hatred for women - men did in order to justify and maintain male oppression over all women and girls.

This latest incident of male violence against women because our sex is female is once again ignored by the men because they are terrified - yes terrified of having their male beliefs, their male sex rights critiqued and questioned by women. Women according to men only exist to serve them and this works very well because men created their male supremacist system in order to reinforce naturalise male oppression over all women and girls.

Now once again men and their male supremacist system are eroding/destroying the few fundamental rights radical feminists campaigned for decades ago!

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NAME IT!!! I am so proud of you and I do not know you!!! Fuck yea!!! Women unite!!!

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Sure, come at us you little cunt, let us see how many more women killers will be created. You fucking little inferior creatures are meant to stfu and listen to our command. I fucking dare you to do otherwise, i seriously fucking do.

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Very well said. I have been thinking of this as like the last taboo but had mistakenly highlighted it as prejudice against single mums. Of course, it is larger than this. I have observed how single dads are treated like heroes, single mums as lepers. You are right though, it is women in general who are treated like this - and other women can be the worst. This is endemic and an ideology which should be named as you have explained.

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The world has become even more sexist as the internet has gained ascendency. I'd like to do whatever I can to help end this problem and to reverse this disturbing trend.

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Misogyny is sewn into the very fabric of our society - more so in some places. Here in Alabama, misogyny resides in the churches and in our politics. It is unspoken. It is not acknowledged. It is a part of us. Like so many other deeply red states, misogyny provides the foundation for limiting a woman’s reproductive rights. Ironically, our female governor Ma Ivey, perpetuates women as second class citizens.

In the US, no women played a role in the framing of our constitution. We were an afterthought, property, the 14th and 19th amendments. Eve was a helpmate, not an independent woman. We must promise to obey and defer to our men. Ministers preach this sermon in Alabama on Sundays to this very day. As a young girl, I was raised on these sermons, but I never believed it nor most of the bullshit I was told in church. Thank goodness, I didn’t get the misogyny memo as a kid!

I have experienced misogyny in my professional career as a female pharmacist. The shocked looks on some of my old professor’s faces when I “outsmarted the boys” spoke volumes. My class had more females than these old men had ever seen. Thankfully, I also had some great male professors. I guess they had seen the light and realized the future of medicine was going to involve a lot of women!

I don’t know if misogyny will ever disappear from our society. I do know that it has faded tremendously and this has caused a backlash of Trad wife and Incel movements. Is this man’s last dying gasp for male superiority? Maybe, it’s actually a good thing? Now, misogyny has been named and acknowledged. Now, we can talk.

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Dream the fuck on you little cunt, it may seemed so in the US but the rest of the world will remain so with your inferior creature being obedient and submissive. You fucking little cunts will one day be beaten, raped and owned like a property once again, you anti-human fuckers are meant to be controlled.

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What incel hole did you crawl out of “forhumanity”?

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totally agree, it's fundamental, and we are being attacked on multiple fronts. The attack on women's rights by the gender-identity lobby, and the vilification of women by so many so-called progressives (including women) for even questioning what is being done in the name of trans rights. (I would be called transphobic for saying this, but I definitely care more about the non-rich and powerful trans people than the G-I lobby does)

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I found relief in comprehending the misogyny inherent in the way the police and courts treated my abuse; they never saw me as a person at all. I wrote about it here:


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It seems so obvious. I can’t believe I’ve ignored how obvious this by virtue of the statistics. Why headlines skip over this is beyond me?! Well we know why…as you site here. The following Psychology Today seems to minimize the fact that 70% of victims of serial killers are murders by stating “not all victims are female…” as if 70% is just a confident . These are the stats for the US but I doubt stats are all that much different in other countries




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